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Scott Kelby’s 7th Annual Worldwide Photo Walk Comes to Chiang Rai




CHIANG RAI – On Saturday, October 11, 2014, photographers will gather in cities across the globe to capture a slice of life through their eyes during the 7th Annual Worldwide Photo Walk. It’s the world’s largest global social photography event in the history of photography itself.

Photographers of all walks of life and skill levels gather together, on the same day to socialize, learn new tips from each other, and explore their corner of the world through photography. Last year over 1300 walks took place in countries like the Philippines, Iran, India, Great Britain and the United States.

As part of this global event, the Chiang Rai Photography Group will host a walk in downtown Chiang Rai covering the areas surrounding Wat Mung Muang, Wat Ming Muang, Darul Aman Mosque, and the Old Market downtown.

The Worldwide Photowalk was founded by Scott Kelby, president of Kelby One and a #1 bestselling photography and technology book author.

He leads a walk each year in a different city and credits the success and popularity of the event to the social aspect of photography. “Photography is usually viewed as a solitary activity, but the truth of the matter is that people love to shoot together, compare notes and just have fun with photography.”

The best part is it’s free. You don’t have to be a professional or expert. All you need is a camera and a passion for photography. It doesn’t even matter what kind of camera you use, a smartphone will work. The idea is to just get involved and share a common passion.

This year, the Worldwide Photo Walk is attempting to step up its charity efforts for the Springs of Hope Kenya orphanage in Africa. In previous years, proceeds from T-Shirt sales were donated to the orphanage to help in their mission. This year, Scott Kelby is asking walkers and walk leaders alike to consider a dollar donation. 100% of the proceeds will go to the orphanage – at a very critical time for them.

The connections people make at the event, doesn’t end there. You’ll find the photos and experiences shared all over social media sites like Twitter under the #wwpw2014 hashtag, and Facebook.

Participants are also eligible to win prizes from the Worldwide Photo Walk’s sponsors if their photo is chosen as the best photo of the day by their walk leader. Each winning walk photo is then entered into a global competition where Scott Kelby picks the single “best photo” of the event along with 10 runners-up.

Scott Kelby’s 7th Annual Worldwide Photo Walk is sponsored by Canon, Kelby One, KelbyOne LIVE, Adobe, B&H, Wacom, Manfrotto, Tamron, Peachpit, and PhotoWalkPro.

Learn all the details about how to get involved at www.worldwidephotowalk.com or

by contacting the Chiang Rai Photography Group via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1521771644705989/

Rick Saint – rick@cris.ac.th
Chiang Rai Photography Group


Message from Scott Kelby

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