CHIANG RAI – More than a hundred hill tribe students at a primary school in Tambon Chiang Dao of Chiang Dao district, Chiang Main were admitted to Chiang Rai hospital yesterday after students said they felt dizzy and vomited after taking lunch.
School director Mr Rungroj Duangdee after students reported unusual condition after they ate chicken rice during lunch hour.
Mr Rungroj Duangdee reported that students complained of feeling dizzy, they had acute Diarrhea and also vomiting.
He immediately alerted the hospital and charity rescue workers as the patients symptoms pointed to the fact that they were suffering from food poisoning.
Investigations later revealed that the school had prepared food for a team of police officers coming to the school to give lecture on drug prevention course for students from the Lisor tribe.
After the lecture, students joined the team in the lunch. So far a dozen of students are still remaining at hospital, while others have recovered.