82.41% of the accidents involved motorcyclists and 58.86% happened on highways.
The daily summary of the accident situation for 30th December 2014 was reported at a press conference by Mr. Arkom Termpittayapaisith, Deputy Minister of Transport.
He said that the government has emphasized all measures to facilitate road users and ensure the least loss of life and property during the holidays.
The main measure is to provide sufficient facilities for people who travel in their personal cars, or by land and air public transport vehicles.
To assist road users in their personal cars, local authorities in each area are united in accident control. Earlier they promoted through the media, alternative directions for those who wish to bypass main roads.
In terms of public safety measures, there are service provider stations along the main roads throughout Thailand. The stations are available 24-hours a day for holiday makers to report accidents or ask for help. This is in addition to the service available at the 1784 call centers and all other channels provided over the holidays.
– See more at: http://thainews.prd.go.th/centerweb/newsen/NewsDetail?NT01_NewsID=WNSOC5712310010061#sthash.7OQI6B8Y.dpuf