BANGKOK – Thailand’s Military led government has blocked the Thailand page of the Human Rights Watch (HRW) website after receiving harsh criticism from the organization.
Attempts to view it are redirected to a splash screen from the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology, which reads “this website has inappropriate content and has been suspended.”
In recent weeks Human Rights Watch (HRW) has heavily criticized Thailand’s military government for its crackdown on dissents wanting the Military to return the country to a democracy .
According to the Bangkok Post the block is not thorough,navigating from the main home page and clicking down through the site’s hierarchy allowed users, as of this writing, to still access the Thailand page. Enforcement of the block also depends on individual Internet service providers.
“The fact that the (junta) feels the need to block Human Rights Watch’s Thailand webpage means that we must be doing something right,” said Brad Adams, HRW’s Asia director.