The mother elephant was attacked by the giant hornets on her face, stomach and eyes.
The elephant, Pang Mai, was rushed to the elephant hospital of the Friends of the Asian Elephant Foundation in Harng Chat district of Lampang Thursday night with her two-year-old male baby from Chiang Mai after they were attacked by hundreds of the yellow and orange band deadly giant hornets.
However it took time before the elephant camp employees could take them onto truck to the hospital because the mother tried to protect her baby from people going near.
The mother elephant was attacked by the giant hornets on her face, stomach and eyes. She groaned in pains as veterinarians tried to inject pain killer to relieve her pains.
The elephant also had tears streaming down both eyes while she was being treated as her baby feeding on her milks by the side.
Camp employees said the mother elephant was chained to a tree with her baby by the side.
They were unaware that there was a big nest of the deadly hornets on the tree.
The giant hornets then attacked the elephant which could not escape because she was chained. But her baby elephant managed to run away but received slight injuries after being stung by some hornets.
But despite efforts to save her life, the mother succumbed to death from the powerful venomous stings in her body this morning.
Her baby still clang by her mother’s dead body trying to feed on her milks.
A veterinarian of the hospital it was the first case in Thailand that elephant was killed by the deadly hornets.
However he said attack by this kind of hornet was fatal and could cause death even an animal or human being were stung by five hornets.